Small Update Time

Sorry to say, there’s no frilly images or insightful pondering happing currently. But, I do have time for a small update.

So, while I am chipping away at finishing the upcoming TIE Interceptor article featuring the new pilots from the Skystrike Academy expansion and rewriting how those upgrades may effect older pilots, I am also working on figuring out the other new expansions FFG/AMG have released that I don’t yet have access to.

Added to that, I am slowly building a Galactic Republic Legion force up a unit at a time, learning how to play Keyforge (tonight at 4tK in Colchester), and preparing myself for a new adventure at a game store opening in my home town soon, where I have secured a position, and taken the daunting step towards trying to expand X-Wing right here at home! That said, I can see myself still travelling to Colchester, work and funds permitting, because they are a great group to play with!

So, that’s where I am currently, I’m hoping to finish what needs finishing soon though. Take care of yourself, and Fly Casual!

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