First X-Wing game in 6 months.

Like the rest of the X-Wing community, I’ve been really missing the occasional times where I could get to a gaming store either for a pickup game or an arranged game. That said, I was overjoyed to have somebody reach out for a game, and one was duly arranged. Oliver is fairly local to 4tK so booked a table through their current system.

Now, I forgot to get the first turns’ worth of photos, but it was pretty standard early game movement.

The lists:

My Republic List, The Wolffepack

Oliver’s Resistance List, Oh Cova

The Cova List

Instead of giving a turn-by-turn account, I will explain the game-state of the images I have managed to remember to get. This is partially because I am not great when it comes to writing detailed and interesting battle reports, and partly because there are other bloggers who do write great battle reports.

End of Turn Two

At the end of turn two, there was some long range sniping with little effect other than the occasional shield lost, aside from poor Jessika Pava being focused down hard and losing her ship, but positions were gained ready for a larger engagement.

End of Turn Three

Turn three saw damage cards applied to both sides, with Arc number 3 coming off worst but hanging in there. Luck would have it that Kaz in his Fireball landed on an Asteroid, avoided damage but, lost his chance to shoot.

Engagement Phase Turn Four

The turn four engagement phase sees disaster for Wolffe as he is hit with a Blinded Pilot, then rolls three focus results. Thanks Cova!

End of Turn Four

At the end of turn four, we have one of the Squad Seven Veterans down, finally, more shields lost, and preparations made for the next turn with each player trying to predict what the manoeuvres will be. However, Lieutenant Bastian falls to the guns of the Republict his round and Kaz succumbs to his damage too.

End of Turn Five

Turn five sees Cova either evade a huge amount of incoming fire or failures on the part of the Republic gunners, while continuing to punish Wolffe, who comes out of this engagement one health above half points.

End of Turn Six

The end of turn six sees Wolffe preserve his health with a cheeky, desperate barrel roll and Plo loses his shield with no damage in return.

As the end of the game arrived, we had an extremely close (even if the points don’t indicate it) game that could have gone any way a number of times. Plo rolling three natural evades at key times, the Arcs actually being able to avoid incoming fire was surprising, proving the adage that, if you roll enough dice, some of them will eventually be good. If T-70’s hadn’t gone down when they had (man, they can take some serious punishment) the result would have been very different!

Over all, an incredible real life match after a break that was far too long, versus a wonderful opponent who gave as great a game as I could hope he received!

On a final note, with some new releases on the horizon, I do hope to get back to analysing these ships for the factions I collect, and there is potential to have a guest writer cover, at the very least, the Resistance, once I have asked him about it.

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