Hyperspace Season – Galactic Empire List Building

It’s time to take a look at three options for the Galactic Empire during this Hyperspace Season.

List One:

The first list takes a staple pilot for the Empire and adds some different equipment, seeing as the usual equipment is no longer Hyperspace Legal.

Vader, “Vagabond”, TIEs.

The theory here is that the TIE/ln Fighters form a screen for both “Vagabond” and Darth Vader, with Vader piling damage where it will be most useful, “Vagabond” dropping devices with almost perfect knowledge through the Ailerons manoeuvre, and the TIE/ln Fighters working on blocking or funnelling opposing ships.

List Two:

This next list trials a second of the Empire’s new pilots, this time in the VT-49 Decimator.

Kee, Duchess.

This seems like an interesting list, giving Duchess the opportunity to trigger Ruthless of any of the Academy Pilots, while Morna Kee sets up an engagement Reinforced to the fore, with either a Lock or a Focus in order to reduce incoming fire and increase survivability. This happens with a rear-facing Reinforce which is flipped before the engagement, and potentially flipped back again if am enemy takes a hard flip to follow.

List Three:

While the average TIE/ln swarm boasts 8 ships, usually at Initiative 1, one interesting thing to find has been an interesting mixed squadron.

Ruthless Squadron

While the initial damage output of a list like this one would be rather immense, it’s worth remembering to spread the damage from Ruthless out to avoid giving your opponent free points, and to use it in a situation where maximum damage gets you more points than you give away.

With that in mind, sending the Academy Pilots out faster than the Black Squadron Aces seems like a great plan, to not only block actions for opposing ships, but to give a decent chance of getting Ruthless off for minimum points and maximum effect.

It’s taken longer than I would have liked to come up with these three lists, but, I think they should stand up to some trial in the future.

What Imperial Hyperspace lists have you seen that could have some hidden gems included? Is there a Hyperspace idea that could stand up better now that the format has been narrowed? As always, feel free to get in touch or leave a comment.


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