In-depth Look Customised YT-1300 Light Freighter and Escape Craft


A new addition to the ranks of the Scum and Villainy Faction, the Customised YT-1300 Light Freighter brings another large ship alongside characters before they joined the Rebel Alliance.  At a startling 46 points for an Initiative 1 Freighter Captain, boasting Focus, Lock, Red Boost, and ROtate Turret alongside 2 Primary Attack dice, 1 Evade die, 8 Hull and 3 Shields, they Customised YT-1300 Light Freighter isn’t something that can easily be ignored without being punished for doing so.

With that in mind, perhaps this list could have some merit.  With 4 Initiative 1 pilots, it won’t be doing an awful lot of shooting first, but, with turrets that can fire after a Primary Attack, even if it has to be out of a different Turret firing arc, having only 2 Primary Attack dice shouldn’t be too much of a hinderance.  Besides, if your opponent does get too close while attacking your YT-1300, if they succeed in destroying it, you still have a Deadman’s Switch.


The Autopilot Drone, at 12 points, has been used in many of the events taking place with the new edition.  Some have used it to deny areas of the board they don’t want opponents using, others use it like a Proton Bomb, running its charges down then redocking it to Lando’s Millennium Falcon before it explodes, and firing it out again at the most opportune time, or, using the Emergency Deployment rules to assist in finishing damaged opponents off after destruction.

One thing to note, at least at time of writing, is that the timing of the charge loss is only “During” the System Phase, allowing you to undock it or redock it and stil lose a charge when you want to.

I’m not going to provide a list for this pilot, at this point, as I am sure it will appear later on.


As you would expect, L3-37 repalces Focus with Calculate, and adds the ability to reduce the difficulty of your bank manoeuvres if you have lost all your shields.

This list is more of a “what could have been” style list, with L3-37 as pilot with IG-88D and 0-0-0 crew and BT-1 as a gunner fighting beside 4-LOM and IG-88A in a kind of Droid Revolution.  I can see some immense fun here, even if it isn’t overly Organised Play friendly.


With L3-37 in the Escape Craft, you gain her pilot ability regardless of who is flying Lando’s Millennium Falcon, but also have the ability to spend the shields from the Escape Craft while it is docked.  Some suggestions have been to save those electable shields for Critical Hits that you can’t stop because you have lost your ship shields.  Plus, if you eject without any shields, you have bllue bank manoeuvres straight from the get go.

While Initiative 2 isn’t great in most combat situations, slipping a Tactical Officer into the Escape Craft to aid in those Co-Ordinates appears to be a good investment.  Talent-wise, you could gamble on getting Outmanoeuvre to trigger, or, something simple like Trick Shot or Crack Shot.

L3-37 could also work for a cheap Co-Ordinate ship to assist other ships out of Initiative order.  This list works to assist either Boba or Guri with an action before activation, potentially giving them an edge in dodging the arc should they not be firing first.


Having the Outer Rim Pioneer at Initiative 3 in the Escape Craft can be of real benefit to some interesting squads.  The Pioneer grants you the ability to allow all friendly ships are range 0-1 to attack even while they are at Range 0 of an obstacle.  This also applies if you decide to play as a docked Escape Craft with Lando’s Millennium Falcon.

I think this list might be rather interesting to fly with, when you start Bossk at Range 0 of an obstacle and perform a Stop manoeuvre.  Fast pace the Escape Craft to Range 1 of Bossk, and watch ships melt as Bossk opens up, especially when you multiply Critical damage into Hit damage.  Tel Trevura in there with some Proton Torpedoes and 0-0-0 to hand out stress or gain a claculate and give some support to Bossk.


Lando Calrissian, as a pilot allows you to take a stress to reroll all your blank results, as long as you aren’t stressed when you engage.  This is for offense, defense, obstacle damage, or any other situation where Lando needs to make a roll, and doesn’t want a Blank result.

By Using the Lando’s Millennium Falcon, you can dock the Escape Craft, utilise the Outer Rim Pioneer, and roll an extra attack die against stressed opponents.  Add in an Obstracted Shot, and Range 1, and you get up to 5 attack dice, but, it is incredibly difficult to pull off, unless you include 4-LOM with 0-0-0 as well.  Even when 4-LOM performs a Red manoeuvre, you gain a Calculate token for completing it, and, if you use Advanced Sensors, get your action in first.  A Crymorah Goon rounds this list out nicely with a Dorsal Turret and R4 Astromech for a bit of added firepower.


Lando in the Escape Craft works in exactly the same way, either boosting the abilities of Lando’s Millennium Falcon while docked, or providing a slightly later Co-Ordinate action with a Tactical Officer to mitigate that Red Co-Ordinate action he has if he is flying just the Escape Craft, in a squadron with other ships.


Han Solo is the final pilot available for the Customised YT-1300 Light Freighter.  His ability is very useful for dancing around Obstacle fields, where he can roll up to three extra defense dice, at Range 3, from an obstructed attack.

Han loaded with Trick Shot against a stressed opponent, can gain a rather intimidating 6 attack dice.  Yup.  6.  Range 1 +1, Trick Shot +1, Obstructed Shot Ability +1, Stressed Opponent +1.  Again, very difficult to pull off, but, usually worth it when you can trigger it.  Utilising 4-LOM again will take some of the target priority pressure of Han, and with Palob Sticking close, denying the opponent one of their focus or evade tokens as it is stolen.  Even if the opponent doesn’t take a focus or evade action, Palob is doing his job by denying dice modifications.


A new pair of ships for the Scum and Villainy faction that have bought some rather interesting combinations right accross the system.  There may be other combinations that work jsut as well, or better as waves get released and we see more upgrates appearing.  For now though, Lando’s Millennium Falcon does seem to be in a good place.

Got any other builds you find entertaining or interesting?  Leave a comment and share your thoughts.

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