In-depth Look M12L-Kimogila Fighter


Today it’s the turn of the M12-L Kimogila Fighter.  A great action bar, for a medium based ship, with Focus, Lock, Red Barrel Roll, and Reload.  A decent Stat bar shows that this ship can survive all but the most focused of attacks, sporting a total of 9 health basic.  The ship ability, Dead to Rights, prevents a defender in your bullseye firing arc from using green tokens to defend, namely Focus, Evade, Calculate, and Reinforce.

At Initiative 3, the Cartel Executioner starts off at 42 points.  Not hideously expensive, considering the fact the Dial needs a little help, which it is denied as the R4 Astromech is for small based ships only.

Despite its drawbacks, the M12-L Kimogila Fighter appears to be a fairly decent Torpedo platform.  However, as Range 1 is not your firend, I suggest something like this with Proton Torpedoes, rather than Advanced Proton Torpedoes.  With an R3 Astromech, you get the opportunity to acquire a second Lock, on a different ship, thus not giving away your target priority.  This also gives you two options.  Tractor your opponent before releasing the Torpedoes with Zuckuss, reducing their defenses, or, tractoring a heavily damaged opponent into some debris or onto a rock.  With 3 Pirates, you are also able to either push damage through if people target the Kimogila or Mist Hunter, or, have them range unrushed because the Pirates have blocked actions by the enemy.


Dalan Oberos.  A nasty, for the opponent, pilot ability lets you steal shields twice per game from a ship in your bullseye firing arc.  Yup, if you have lost one of your shields, and you end up at Range 1, you can steal one from your target before you fire.  While not limited to Range one, I can’t think of a better time to use it.  At Initiative 3, this means he can steal an Ace’s shield before he might suffer damage.

With some nasty tricks, I think a pairing of Dalan Oberos and Palob Godalhi could be the thing nightmares are made of.  Not only can you not use green tokens in defense against teh two M12-L Kimogila Fighters, you also have one stolen by Palob.  This list appears to be the most brutal against ships like the TIE/ph Phantom and the TIE/d Defender, who rely on their green tokens for survival and their own form of trickery.  With two sets of Proton Torpedoes, Proton Rockets, and Crack Shot, there is the potential for massive damage output, add in a dual arc for the Moldy Crow with Lando and Proton Bombs, and I believe you have the makings of a list that will make many opponents weep.


Torani Kulda has a decent ability that lets you give an opponent extra damage after an attack, unless it removes a green token.  Rather a nasty position to put an enemy into, especially if they are looking for an effect that relies on that token.

The most obvious partner here would be Asajj Ventress in the Shadow Caster.  Getting to add stress to an oppoent or lose a green token gives them a harder choice, knowing they are going to face Torani Kulda and the choice between removing a green token or taking extra damage.  With a Crack Shot toting Black Sun Soldier zipping around the board and blocking, that could make the choice clearer, as in they don’t have a token, or even more difficult.



A nice ship, with a horrid ship ability, extremely scummy.  I rather like the idea of flying one now.  However, I drad the idea of facing one.

Got any other nasty tricks up your sleeve?  Perhaps featuring Fenn Rau or Han?  Leave a comment, and share your wisdom.

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