In-depth Look BTL-A4 Y-Wing Scum Edition


So, time to come back to the BTL-A4 Y-Wing.  This time, for the Scum and Villainy.  As you can see, the action bar is exactly the same as for the Rebel Alliance, as well as the Upgrade Bar and Stats bar.  The difference beigns with the lowest-cost pilot, the Crymorah Goon.  At Initiative 1 it’s not going to to be dodging many arcs.  I’ve used these in some previous lists as blockers, gun fodder, or even points fillers before, as, for their points, they are fairly tough, and can take a punch or two, plus, they can give a decent beating when kitted out as well.

Speaking of kitting out, I feel that, at Initiative 1, you aren’t goign to want to take full advantage of their Upgrade bars, otherwise, you will be handing your opponent points hand over fist. With that in mind, I remember seeing somehting similar to this workign to great effect at a league night I managed to attend a little while ago.  Have the Turrets pointing off to the side that isn’t guarded by the edge of the board, or, in a V or ^ formation with half of the turrets pointing one side, the rest the other side, with the lead turret heading out front.


The Hired Gun is 2 Points more than a Crymorah Goon, is Initiative 2, and has access to the Talent slot.  Again, these can be a useful ship if you have some points to spare, depending on how you build it.  If you know you are going to be facing a Swarm of TIE/ln Academy Pilots, perhaps running these instead of the Goons will be of more benefit to you.  If you are facing aces, you still have the ability to cause bumps and jams in order to deny actions and shots.

This list is designed to have two Hired Guns running in pairs, either with Turrets pointed forwards for a double-tap shot, or, with side-facing arcs ready to catch a ship out of position after firing your Primary Weapons.

This version, seeks to clear obstacles away if you can catch an opponent in the blast range, while having the capability to push an opponent onto a handily placed Proton Bomb.  Removing obstacles, can seriously hamper opponents who rely on them for defense, or for triggering their own Seismic Charges.


Drea Renthal allows non-limited ships, any ship without the circle next to the name or title, to reroll an attack die if the defender is in either firing arc, if equipped with a turret.  Quite a nice little ability, and one that allows a reroll without using up precious Locks, even if you don’t have a lock.  In a total Y-Wing squadron, or following a pack of Z-95s, this ability can really cripple a defending ship, especially if you manage to pack enough firepower into a swarm of ships with Outmanoeuvre or some bumpers with Intimidation.  Sure, it’s not going to save you from totally whiffing a roll, but, it’s still really handy to have.

While thinking about this, I decided to look at a build like this one.  Three Crymorah Goons with Ion Cannon Turrets and Ion Torpedoes alongside an R4 Astromech.  Simple in theory, and could be effective and brutal.  Walking even the large-base ships off the table if triggered at the right time.


The final Scum and Villainy pilot for the BTL-A4 Y-Wing is Kavil.  When performing a non-V arc attack, rolling an additional attack die means this pilot is a sure set up for a Turret-based build.

Currently, there are very few Turret options that have much appeal to many people, making Kavil feel like a lesser choice for the Y-Wing currently.  However, I have put this list together and put Kavil alongside Lando in his Millenniun Falcon, both with Veteran Turret Gunners, and a pair of Z-95s for blocking or gaining shots while bigger threats are targeted.


Having very recently faced Drea and a swarm of Z-95s and a pair of Quadjumpers, I can attest to the fact they are very brutal when paired correctly.  For now, the power does seem to be with Drea when looking at the BTL-A4 Y-Wing, so, be very careful if you end up facing off against Scum Y-Wings.

Got some different ideas?  Feel free to share.  It’s great hearing about other builds.

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